15 July 2020

LEAP4FNSSA Dialogue for Action and Brokerage in West Africa Workshop - Call for Innovative Ideas

In view of the West Africa Workshop (to be held virtually on 28-29 October), LEAP4FNSSA has launched a Call for Innovative Ideas. The main objective of the call is to gather innovative solutions to mitigate the socio-economic and environmental impacts of pandemics. 

The three topics concerned are: 

  1. Innovation and digitalisation in agriculture
  2. Short value chains
  3. Agroecological transitions of food systems

Those will be also the items discussed during the panel sessions along the 2-days virtual event. Young innovators, start-ups and entrepreneurs are asked to submit their idea/project by 15th of August, filling the application form (you can find it in the Call for Innovative Ideas) and sending it to brokerage@leap4fnssa.eu.

25 selected applicants will have the opportunity to present their idea/project during the West Africa Workshop 2020. 

Please read more on the website: https://www.leap4fnssa.eu/

This news is redirected by Global Development Network from Development cooperation at SCIENCE