The Global Development Network Working Group

The working group for Global Development Network consists of representatives from each of the six faculties and is chaired by Ayo Walhlberg and supported by International Network Coordinator Andreas Egelund Christensen. The representatives are appointed by the deans.

Ayo Wahlberg

Interim Chair

Ayo Wahlberg

Peter Engelund Holm 

Faculty of Science

Peter Engelund Holm

Ravinder Kaur

Faculty of Humanities

Ravinder Kaur

Lena Skovgaard Andersen

Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences

Lena Skovgaard Andersen - Curriculum vitae - Staff

John Rand

Faculty of Social Sciences 

Beatriz Martinez Romera

Faculty of Law

Beatriz Martinez Romera

Karen Lauterbach

Faculty of Theology

Karen Lauterbach

Andreas Egelund Christensen

International Network Coordinator

Andreas Egelund Christensen
Lillian Matthes, MSc Global Health

Student Assistant